Environmental Compliance in Huntsville, AL
Good stewards of the environment.
United Plating, Inc., in North Alabama, strives to be a good environmental steward. Our Environmental Management Department has three treatment centers that operate independently and feature the latest technology to ensure compliance. UPI is reducing our environmental footprint by employing the latest environmentally friendly chemistries, which also meet customers’ RoHS and end-of life requirements.
UPI’s Environmental Management Department is governed by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM), the Environmental Protection Agency and the City of Huntsville. United Plating operates within the guidelines set by these agencies.
UPI also employs various recycling technologies to reduce and/or reuse our materials to minimize the amount sent off-site for disposal. Many materials are sent to recycling centers or converted to energy where possible.
United Plating is just as concerned about air quality. UPI employs advanced scrubber and filtering systems in our processes to reduce emissions, along with using low Voc materials where appropriate. UPI’s services include anodizing, industrial painting, chem film, powder coating, and more!